Whether you want to create beautiful scenes in a movie or you want to generate an entire 3D world for the latest video game, animation degrees provide the basics and advanced training that will teach students how to sketch, design, render and implement these virtual worlds. Schools that specifically design programs for the animation industry offer cutting edge technology, diverse courses and more services. Private universities like Full Sail and Art Institute do not have the same restrictions as public state universities, because they create their own programs and work with some of the biggest names in the industry. Animators need universities with a lot of variety and knowledgeable professors who currently work in the industry and understand the advanced technology that is constantly being upgraded every six months within the computer animation field. Otherwise, they may already be behind after graduation. Another great thing about these private universities is the internship and job opportunities that are offered along with the programs.
Novice animators treat college like a rite of passage. In order to learn the tricks of the trade, work with the best technology and study the techniques currently being used in popular entertainment, school is a necessity. Programs at Full Sail and Art Institutes offer expanded learning, because they don’t focus on the traditional learning environment, and there are all kinds of courses included at these schools. You can research most of these programs through YourDegree, which explores degrees of every level for animation and design that can be earned online.
Degrees in Animation Online Programs

Online programs at every degree level are just as rigorous and enriching as what you learn in brick and mortar universities. Students are expected to work on projects at home and even turn in assignments online as well as at traditional campus. The material that is learned is even more specific to animation. Techniques like life drawing, color theory, shading and lighting are taught at every art school, but other programs will not allow you to work with the same technology or industry professionals on specific animation projects that are currently popular.
There are also some common misconceptions about the validity of animation degrees from schools like Full Sail. It’s usually from students who have gone through the game and failed to take off with their career. That’s because much of animation is based on talent and skill. Like everything else, you have to have a passion to work in a competition industry like computer animation. Public and traditional universities that offer similar programs in animation experience the same type of criticism. However, at least with universities like Full Sail, you will always be working with the best technology around all similarly focused minds. Many students start developing major projects while at the university, entering into various school competitions and partnering with current video game and movie developers, which creates a better portfolio.
There are also plenty of famous graduates who got started from schools like Full Sail and works with famous developers, such as Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Dave Arneson, who taught at the school until 2008. Animation programs benefit from these experts, currently working on projects, which understand the trends exactly and can help students learn what they need to succeed in the business. With an accredited degree from places like Art Institutes, Full Sail or Academy of Art University, students can earn any type of degree in animation, from associates to master’s degrees. Schools like this specialize in every facet of video game design, character development, production, visual effects and software technology. If you have been waiting to get started on an animation degree, then it can’t hurt to talk to an advisor at one of these specialized schools. You can find the same services and financial aid opportunities, just with more focus on artistic students and careers.