Python is one of the top programming languages used for Machine learning (ML), Artificial intelligence (AI) and Analytics.
Any programmer looking to pursue their career in these technologies should have good knowledge of Python and their Packages.
In this article, we talk about Top Python Tutorial Websites, Online Python Training Providers and Some of the resources for getting
python training online.
Let’s start with the top Python Tutorial Websites for beginners in
Top Python Tutorial Sites for beginners
If you are new to python and wanted to understand
1. W3School
W3schools is one of the top tutorial websites which provide free training in various programming languages. It is very popular for
learning html, xss, javascript. Now their Python tutorial is also designed in a programmatic manner so that you can understand the basics.
Good thing is that they provide you the framework to run python programs and learn the outputs.
You can learn Python Basics for w3schools in the link:

2. Coursera
Coursera is another website which provides free tutorials in various programming languages. It has colloboration with universities
which provide training for beginners and also advance level training in various programming languages.
Some of these courses also have ceritification, but it comes with fees. Good thing about Coursera is that you learn about different
universities and several courses not only in programming languages, but also non-technical.
3. EDX Python Training
Edx is another tutorial website online which provides free python programming training for beginners. This is in collob with the university of
It’s free training. If you need a certificate from them, there is a charge for getting the certification.
You can check out the training here:

4. Lynda Python Trainings
Lynda is the place where you get all the video tutorials for learning different programming languages.
You get lot of videos in Lynda for learning basics of python. Once you start learning python and installed all the required software’s,
training videos in this website are very useful for learning in depth.
You can check out more on Python Training with Lynda at

5. CodeAcademy Python Training
One of the websites which has good information about various programming languages. You can learn free trainings in python from CodeAcademy
Learn more about Python training offerings at

6. Udemy Python Training
Udemy is another famous tutorial website for technical learnings. You will find online tutorials in all top programming languages in Udemy.
Good thing about Udemy is you also have video lectures and exercises after every chapter which enables you to learn and try different things
Learn about different courses offered by Udemy

These are list of some of the top python tutorial websites for beginners.
Once you have a basic knowledge of python, you can select your next career path which uses python as main programming languages such as
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Analytics.
We will be adding more information about Python Tutorials, Python resources, what are needed for getting into these career paths and much more
in coming articles. Do share your views on the articles and any resource links which will be useful for our readers.